5 Best Oily Scalp Treatment | 4 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of An Oily Scalp

Oily Scalp Treatment
Oily Scalp Treatment

Are you Looking for Oily scalp treatment ? so you are in the proper place

The scalp is protected by a hydrolipidic film, which is made up of sebum and sweat. This protects us from external aggressions and dehydration on our heads. This natural lubricant is distributed along the hair shaft, protects the hair by smoothing the scales and makes the hair shiny and supple.

Oily scalp is due to the relatively frequent deregulation of the sebaceous glands, which secrete this sebum. This natural fatty substance provides lubrication and protection of the hair against pollution and dryness. But when there is excess sebum, it then suffocates the root and weighs it down. The hair and scalp are then oily, shiny, and tends to grease as soon as the last shampoo is applied. Sometimes, it is only the root of the hair, which is very oily due to this excess production of sebum, and the tips are then very dry and brittle. But again, rest assured, solutions exist.

Oily Scalp Causes

oily scalp with dry hair
oily scalp with dry hair

An oily scalp is not hereditary, and it is a preconceived idea that must be banished. Most often, stress, nervousness, an unbalanced diet too rich in fats, sugars, and great fatigue stand as factors favoring the appearance of oily hair. Besides these, shampoos and care unsuitable for the nature of the hair also has bad effects on the scalp. This entails:

  • Aggressive shampoos with irritating scents or, on the contrary, the use of baby shampoos, which ultimately have a superfatting effect.
  • The use of aggressive components for the hair: dyeing, bleaching, production of locks are all reasons that cause the appearance of the oily scalp or accentuate the problem.
  • Too frequent brushing and using of too hot hair dryer very close to the scalp.
  • The use of fixing products and hair gels containing occlusive components such as paraffin.
  • Other factors, such as hormonal imbalance or excessive sweating, can also play a role in this aesthetic inconvenience.

Yes. Associated with the excess oiliness of the scalp, there may be a change in the flora of local microorganisms. Fungi, like Malassezia, feed on sebum and, therefore, proliferate, generating super colonization and production of scalene peroxide, which causes inflammation of the scalp and hair loss.

How to Cure oily Scalp

For the treatment, the basis of this is to choose an oily scalp treatment shampoo suitable for this type of hair, i.e., an ultra-mild oily scalp shampoo with a neutral pH. With this type of shampoo, it is perfectly possible to wash your hair and scalp as many times as desired (every day, for example) but taking the precaution not to attack your hair.

For this :

  • Wash your scalp with very little shampoo and adding water to the lather.
  • Make a light, quick massage of the scalp before shampooing to activate microcirculation.
  • Make a final rinse with cold water to tone the hair and use a diluted lemon juice to rinse the scalp.
  • Use a towel to pre-dry the scalp and thus remove the excess water from the hair.
  • To dry them, use a low-temperature hair dryer, keeping it far enough from the scalp and without staying more than 15 seconds in the same place.
oily scalp causes
oily scalp causes

Home Remedies for Oily Scalp

Of course, before using any home remedy for oily scalp, you must properly wash your hair . The important thing is to wash it well to avoid the production of fat. It is advisable to use an anti-residue or exfoliating shampoo for the scalp at least every 15 days, as these act directly on the pH of the hair, while restoring balance.

It is normal that we get tired of hair with a dirty appearance and without movement, so we leave you a few homemade and natural recipes that will help you greatly:

Moroccanoil oily scalp treatment

This oily scalp treatment product stands as a balance therapy designed to revitalize the hair and regulate the scalp. This is majorly made up of ginger and argan oil essential oil. It also works great to soften hair follicle inflammation, thereby controlling oil secretion. The roots are full of vitality, and the hair has more tone. You can use Moroccanoil oily scalp treatment before shampooing to soothe the scalp and prevent it from becoming too greasy or dry.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Oily Scalp

It is very common to use apple cider vinegar to lose weight or to heal. But did you know that beyond weight loss and health benefits, it also has great benefits for your scalp? It is one of the best oily scalp treatments, which is simple, inexpensive, but very effective.

You just need to know how to properly use apple cider vinegar in order to optimize its effects. Above all, do not be afraid to research your product, apple cider vinegar or white vinegar, it is exactly the same thing.

Thanks to the acidity that makes it up, apple cider vinegar also purifies the hair. It cleans the hair in depth and helps get rid of impurities and different fats accumulated at the root of the hair and scalp such as hair products, perspiration, or even small particles due to pollution. It thus makes it healthier, lighter, and cancels this ” oily hair ” effect.

my hair gets greasy really fast
my hair gets greasy really fast

Black tea

Black tea It is an astringent, known as tannic acid, which helps prevent the accumulation of excess oil on the scalp.

To make this diy oily scalp treatment, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of black tea to a cup of water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes and allow the solution to cool to room temperature. Apply this mixture on your hair and wash it with a mild shampoo. Repeat the process 2 or 3 times a week to get rid of oily hair.

Aloe vera

The vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in the aloe vera are very useful to get rid of oily scalp. This treatment diy helps detoxify the scalp of impurities and controls sebum secretion, while also nourishing the hair root.

Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass with a mild shampoo. Wash your hair and let the shampoo stay on it for a few minutes before rinsing it off.

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