Vitamins for Hair Growth | Hair Growth Rate

vitamins for hair growth
vitamins for hair growth

There are 5 million hair follicles on our entire body and out which 1 million hair follicles are present on our head. As we grow old some follicles stop generating hair. As a result, hair thinning and baldness occurs. Science has discovered interesting facts for hair growth that each hair undergoes a life cycle.

Table of Contents

Hair Growth Cycle | Vitamins for Hair Growth

Anagen : active growth of a hair | 2-8 years

Catagen : Stops growing further | 1- 1.5 Months

Telogen : Hair falls | 2-3 Months

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hair loss vitamin deficiency

How fast is hair growth?

An average hair grows ½ inch per month. How fast hair growth occurs depends upon factors like genetics, hormonal changes, lack of nutrition, stress, or trauma. To grow hair faster you need to prolong the Anagen phase and know the science behind how hair growth works. You can promote active hair growth duration with the following methods.

Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

There are some essential vitamins for hair growth and thickening you need for hair growth. Most important is B vitamin or biotin, then Vitamin A, C, D, and E also helpful to replenish hair scalps and hair follicles.  

Postpartum hair loss is normal and many women experience extreme hair thinning and baldness after delivery due to hormonal changes. Prenatal vitamins are recommended by gynecologists are considered the best women’s vitamins for hair growth after pregnancy. 

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Male baldness and patch baldness is common in men due to genetics, stress, or an unhealthy lifestyle. Multivitamins and supplements are the best option to include in daily life and considered as suitable hair growth vitamins for men.

You can either take them in the form of food, supplements or apply directly on hair. Let’s discover how you can get these vitamins to include these in your life to get long, thick, and stronger hair.  

Biotin for Hair Growth | Vitamins for Hair Growth

To overcome hair thinning and hair loss biotin is considered to be very effective to encourage hair growth. Oral Biotin is the hair growth pills that actually work. You will seevisibleresults in one month after using a biotin supplement. You can take biotin naturally from foods like nuts, seeds, fish, chicken and mutton, egg yolk, and non-fat dairy products. 

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Food for Hair Growth

  • To increase the Anagen phase of hair include protein-rich foods in the diet like fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds( pumpkin, watermelon, melon, cucumber) to your diet. 
  • Eat vegetables like carrots, broccoli, spinach, peas, sweet potato are rich in folate, iron, Vitamin A, and C good for hair thickness.
  • Fruits like oranges, papaya, avocado, berries, and kiwi fruit are loaded with vitamins for hair growth and thickness
the best hair growth vitamins
the best hair growth vitamins

Oiling for Hair Growth  

  • Castor oil is the best hair growth oil to increase scalps blood circulation and hair nourishment. 
  • Cactus oil promotes the active growth of hair follicles and helps in recover bald patches in case of hair fall. 
  • If you want to grow your hair normally then blend of coconut oil, rosemary, and olive oil is best for women’s hair growth

FAQ’s Related to hair growth and vitamins for hair loss

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How to make your hair grow super-fast?

If you want to grow hair faster, take a balanced diet with essential vitamins, oiling, and natural foods. Do not wash your hair with hot water and do not apply heating tools on your hair. Apply banana face mask to add gloss to your hair.

Which kind of vitamins are good for hair growth?

Vitamin A, B, C, D, and E are good vitamins. IT is better to include these naturally instead of pills or supplements.

What is the best vitamin for hair growth or baldness?

Vitamin B also called biotin is the best vitamin to treat hair baldness and hair thinning.

Will Vitamin E promote Hair Growth?

Yes, having anti-oxidant properties Vitamin E reduces oxidative stress on scalps and promotes hair growth.

Can I use vitamin E and almond oil for hair growth?

Almond oil naturally contains Vitamin E. However you can add one drop of Vitamin E in every 10 drops of almond oil and can apply to scalps to grow hair faster.

What is better for hair growth: vitamins or a balanced diet?

A balanced diet is always best to maintain healthy hair in the long run. You can take vitamins in case of severe hair loss like postpartum hair loss, hair thinning due to stress, and baldness in males.

How do I reduce hair loss problems and increase hair growth with hair masks?

To increase hair growth you can apply onion juice mask, fenugreek hair mask, banana mask, coriander mask, egg and yogurt mask on hair that clear sebum, nourish scalps, and decrease split ends and hair loss.

How to make hair grow faster overnight? 

There is no method with which you can grow hair overnight. Eat a balanced diet, vitamins to nourish your whole body. Apply hair masks and hair oils to grow hair faster. 

Hope now you know better about Vitamins for Hair Growth ! So, Follow Best Beauty Zone for more health and beauty updates!



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