How to Cure Dry Lips

peeling lips causes
peeling lips causes

Are you suffering from dry lips and searching for how to cure dry lips?

Have you grown habitual of licking your lips unknowingly? If so, chapped lips won’t heal might be one primary reasons behind this annoying obsession.

Dryness and peeling skin on your lips can result from changes in environmental conditions, B complex vitamin and iron deficiencies, lower zinc or iron levels, among many other factors.

If left unattended, the issue can result in severe consequences demanding immediate medical attention.

Dry lips cure that will help you get rid of chapped dry lips

How To Cure Chapped Lips

Let us walk you through home remedies for dry lips :

Apply a Quality Lip Balm

While a right lip balm can moisturize your lips, an inferior quality product can leave your lips drier than ever before!

There are several lip care products in the market that contain ingredients like menthol, camphor, and phenol. These elements might give you temporary pleasures like cooling sensation, but they will adversely affect your lips in the long run. 

Instead, use products that contain soothing and moisturizing ingredients such as petroleum jelly, lanolin, and beeswax for better results.


reasons for chapped lips
reasons for chapped lips

Exfoliating is a process of gently removing the dead and flaky skin from your lips, and consider as a one of dry lips remedy.

Chapped lips carry a covering of dry skin that prevents healing ingredients from reaching the inner portion. 

Moisturizing scrub or other home remedies for chapped lips such as honey sugar, baking soda, and glycerine can easily help you shed off the flaky skin.

However, if you are going for chemical exfoliators like glycolic acid or salicylic acid, make sure you do not smear it on your lips as it will dry up soon and irritate you more.

Increase the Intake of Water

severely chapped lips causes
severely chapped lips causes

Using expensive lip care products will be of no use if they’re not accompanied by frequent intake of freshwater.

Insufficient water consumption can result in a condition of dehydration. As you must be aware, skin cells require water for survival. If they do not get enough water, these cells tend to draw the water out from different body parts(including lips).  

So, in order to maintain the water level in your body, it is vital to drink water at frequent intervals. Once you do, you will easily get rid of dry and cracked lips in no time. Trust us – this is one of the easiest dry lips cures of all!

Coconut Oil for Dry chapped lips cure

Do you know that unlike most of your skin, lips have a poor barrier function?

Lips are extremely sensitive to environmental factors like wind, heat, and cold. 

Coconut oil acts as a moisturizer for your skin and protects it by enhancing the barrier function. It is also known to carry anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. 

You just need to dab a few drops of liquid directly in your lips and gently rub it until the oil sets in well.

Mix up coconut oil with ingredients like avocado oil and olive oil for added moisture. 

Aloe Vera

my lips are dry and burning
my lips are dry and burning

The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of Aloe Vera makes it an excellent cure for treating chapped lips and solutions for dry lips.

The chemical composition of aloe vera gel is quite antiseptic. The polysaccharides and other growth hormones in the gel stimulate your skin to produce new cells. It is known to quicken the healing process.  

Polysaccharides also binds moisture to your skin and is quite helpful in treating dry lips. 

All you need is to cut the Aloe Vera leaves and scoop out the fresh gel for your lips. 

Caution- Avoid applying aloe vera gel more than thrice a day as it has mild exfoliating properties.


It’s been long that honey has been used as a wound healer and an excellent home remedy for skincare and remedies for dry lips .

Like Aloe Vera, honey is also rich in antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities. It can moisturize your peeling lips and help you get rid of those irritating dead skin cells.

However, if you are allergic to honey or honey products, make sure you consult a medical expert before using the same.

We hope that the above how to cure dry lips will help you stave off the dead skin and give you the confidence to flaunt those baby soft lips.

If you are looking for more such skin care tips, click here.


  1. Happy new year… start with a new knowledge about every things especially for women skin care… and waiting to more and more like this …thank you soooooo much 👍👍👍


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