An Ultimate Guide for Powder Brows vs Microblading

Powder Brows vs Microblading
Powder Brows vs Microblading

For people having sparse brows, it is always confusing to decide to choose between powder brows vs microblading. To clear the confusion between powder ombre brows vs. microblading, we have compared both in terms of process, tools used, the healing process, final look, and aftercare. With the help of this guide, you can easily decide which cosmetic process is suitable for you. Without talking about anything else, let’s get straight to the comparison between microblading vs. powder.

Powder BrowMicroblading
Powder Brows Process Powder brows or shaded brows or ombre brows or tattoo brows are all same. It is a semi-permanent makeup that gives the eyebrows a fuller look with the help of ink used in the procedure. The ink creates pixel size dots in the epidermal layer of skin and gives a powdery shade look. This powdery brow tattoo lasts up to 1 to 3 years depending upon your skin type or lifestyle.
Microblading Process Microblading is the brow filling process in which hair-like strokes are created with the help of a tool with a slanted blade having tiny needles. The blade scratches the epidermal layer instead of cutting and needles fill these cuts with medical grate pigment. As a result, fine, hair-like lines on the selected area of brows. This semi-permanent makeup lasts up to 18 months.  
Powder Brow Machine The tool used in powder brows is the Wireless/Cordless PMU Machine with a needle that creates tiny dots and filling with the ink. This tool creates fuller brows or ombre brows.Microblading tool In microblading, a pen-like tool is used, with a slanted blade and tiny needles. The blades cut the skin, and needles implant pigment to create artificial hair.
Healing process Powder brows healing stages complete within 2 to 3 weeks. For the first 3 days, the eyebrows feel very dark, and scabbing starts afterward in the form of one big patch.  Then pigment starts fading and looks more natural. At the final stage, you need to go for a touch-up, and the aesthetician fills any gaps that appear. You can see powder brows healing pictures.   Healing process Microblading healing process takes 7 to 14 days to heal the skin after microblading. Scabs start to flake off after 3 days. Pigment hides beneath scabs so, don’t worry that all pigmented strokes have vanished.  After the healing process, the pigmented brows look faded, and the pink color of baby skin appears. Check below the healing process after microblading.
Powder brows aftercare Your powdered brow may look swollen and red right after treatment. Apply the ointment that your aesthetician gives you. Do not try to touch the area to avoid bacterial infection. When the skin starts scabbing, do not try to scratch it. Let it flake off on its own. You need to protect your treated eyebrows from water, sun exposure, and any other cream or serum. Powder brows before and afterMicroblading Aftercare Aftercare of microbladed eyes brows is the same as powdered brows. There is no difference.
Cost of Powdered Brows The cost of powder brows ranges from $500 to $1000.Cost of Microblading The cost of microblading is somewhere around $200 to $800.
Powder Brows Process
Powder Brows Process

I hope this comparison shows you the basic difference between powder brows and microblading. But if still you are confused about which one is more beneficial, then tell me to tell you the criteria for whom microblading is suitable and who should get powder brows. 

clothes image 0007 8 An Ultimate Guide for Powder Brows vs Microblading

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If you like real brow-like hair and a more natural look, then microblading is your thing. 

Microblading Process
Microblading Process

People having sensitive skin or oily skin, or matured skin should go for powder brows. The pigment does not give the crisp stroke in oily skin and scattered. The same is the case with matured skin. Powder brows are less painful and last long when you compare powder vs. microblading.

powder brows healing pictures
powder brows healing pictures

If you are concerned about the dramatic effect of powder brows, then powder ombre brow gives a more natural look. Ombre brows appear to be lighter shade in the inner corner and subsequently darker towards the outer corner.

Microblading Aftercare
Microblading Aftercare

When you see the natural effect of powder ombre brows vs. microblading, both look natural. See the below powder brows before and after.

powder brows before and after
powder brows before and after

Final Verdict

When we compare powdered brows vs. microblading, it is concluded that powder brows are suitable for most people. Because it is less painful, long-lasting, and many types of shading options are available. Moreover, there are fewer chances of powder brows going wrong. 

Hope everything covered about powder brows vs microblading, Stay in this space for more great info.


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