9 Effective Home Remedies for Dry Hands Problem

flaky skin on hands
flaky skin on hands

Dry hands and cracked skin bother women of all ages. Here will introduce some of Home Remedies for Dry Hands Whether you have extreme dryness on hands due to aging, dermatological skin condition, or pollution, it could be painful. Dry hand causes itchiness and discomfort that can end up in severe ailment if left untreated.

To avoid dry skin or xerosis to turn into an infection, it’s essential to keep the skin moisturized. While over the top counter hand moisturizers are costly, there are plenty of effective ways to heal damaged skin.  

Do Home Remedies Help Treat Dry Hands

dry hands from washing
dry hands from washing

Our skin secretes oil known as sebum. This oil helps keep the skin from losing moisture. However, using hard or dry soaps or over washing of hands can cause the skin to lose these oils. Using the best hand cream for wrinkles and dryness can help you restore the natural oil and protect the skin barrier. 

But besides using hand moisturizers, you can restore the skin oil through DIYs and home remedies. 

Most of the hand care home remedies included in this post can be used as a good hand moisturizer. They can be used to treat dry cracked skin or winter night cream. So, let’s look into some ways:

Hand Moisturizer Home Remedies :

Sunflower Seed Oil

flaky skin on hands
flaky skin on hands

Sunflower Seed Oil has moisturizing properties. The oil can be used to heal cracked fingers and keep it hydrated. Just take a drop or two of the oil and apply it over the dry skin. 

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Coconut Oil 

When speaking of oils, nothing can beat coconut oil as a moisturizing agent and home remedies for soft hands. A 2016 research found coconut oil good for dry hands. Coconut has saturated fatty acids with emollient properties. These fatty oils are wonderful hand moisturizer that fills in dryness and make it smooth.


what causes dry hands
what causes dry hands

One of the natural remedies for dry hands, This naturally found product has shown properties that helps body fight-off skin diseases. 


Milk is known as superfood for the body. Extensive research has soon that regular intake of milk in the diet helps strengthen skin barriers in rats. Although it would be too early to hope for the same effects in humans, including milk in the diet will improve your overall health.

Oatmeal Scrub

sudden dry skin on hands
sudden dry skin on hands

Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and it’s packed with antioxidants. These features make oatmeal one of the widely used ingredients for hand dryness remedies. You can include oatmeal in your skincare ritual in two ways. One way is to add powdered oatmeal to the bath, and another is to use oatmeal infused cream. 

Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub 

This simple to prepare moisturizing exfoliating scrub can be made by mixing 2 tbsp of olive oil and half a cup of sugar. You can also add a few drops of essential lavender oil. These oils will help you relax your mind. Once the scrub is ready, scrub it on your dry hands. Wash off after some time. Don’t forget to use a soothing moisturizer to lock the oils in the skin. 

Oatmeal Honey Mask

here we talk about one of home remedies for beautiful hands, Oatmeal can be used as a face mask. To prepare it, mix 2 tbsp of oats and 1 tbsp of honey with a drop of water. Before you rub the scrub, heat it a bit. You can either use the mixture as a scrub to exfoliate the skin or simply as a face mask. While using it as a face mask, leave the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes. 

Add Oil to Your Bath

As per dermatologists, natural oils keep our dry hands moisturized. They also help keep the skin barrier intact. Essential oils like olive and coconut are free from irritants. You can use such in your bath. To enhance the effect of the oil, add the oil under the running water. Also, you can apply the oil on your skin after the bath. 

Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera is sought after by many as a remedy for sunburn. Aloe vera are helpful in keeping the skin from drying off in winters. The healing properties of aloe vera help in reducing the redness and skin irritation caused due to dryness. Aloe vera also prevents signs of early aging and acne breakouts.

However, many develop skin allergies due to aloe vera, thus its highly recommended to run a patch test before applying it on the skin. 

So, here are some effective home remedies for dry hands or if we can say hand moisturizer home remedies that can help you keep your dry hands soft and moisturized. Stay in loop with us to get more skin care insights.




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