How to Stop Greasy Hair

greasy hair after shower
greasy hair after shower

Oily Greasy hair trouble is the most annoying of all hair concerns. There are a lot of frizz-fighting serums and shine-enhancing sprays are in the market but relatively less solution for those greasy strands. Especially, those strands are on the flat and thin side. To make it even worse most people weigh it down with even more products. So how to stop greasy hair?

Our hair experts scoop some best tips for oily greasy hair. Here’s what they have for this oily hair problem.

What causes greasy oily hair?

Before heading for the solutions, it’s important to understand its cause.

Oily hair is caused by the generation of excess sebum; natural oil produced within the oil glands. Usually, our body precisely gets the indications of how much oil is needed to be produced to keep skin hydrated and healthy, but sometimes it may go into overdrive that causes overproduction and results in oily hair and skin. Sometimes, internal factors like hormonal imbalance or your everyday beauty routine also lead to excess oil production. Factors like how often you wash your hair, products you use, the way you style your hair contribute to excess oiliness. Here are some tips that come into play.

greasy hair causes
greasy hair causes

Oily hair solutions – best tips to treat your oily hair

Let’s see the solutions to avoid and treat oily hair.

The right way to apply conditioner

To treat your oily hair, you need to know the right way to apply conditioner.

Before telling the right way to apply conditioner let us aware you with a fact- conditioner is necessary for oily hair types, as it provides an essential dose of hydration, nourishment, and protection to your hair that they can’t get from shampoo alone. So, if you are having oily hair and are thinking of skipping the conditioner then think twice before that.

dry shampoo makes my hair greasy
dry shampoo makes my hair greasy

A common question people often have is- Is it bad to put conditioner on your scalp? Yes, it’s a big ‘NO’ to put a conditioner on the scalp. Now the next question arises in our mind- how to use conditioner?

Avoid applying conditioner all over though, we advise using it only at the ends, avoiding the scalp completely, that prevents your hair from looking flat and greasy. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with normal water.

Wash hair less often

Washing hair frequently cause greasy roots. When you wash your hair often to fix the oily scalp results in stripping your hair of its natural sebum. So in response to that, your body produces more oil to replace the oil that is lost with washing your hair, leaving you with more oily hair.

Minimize the use of dry shampoo

If you want to treat your oily hair, cut the use of dry shampoo.

hair oily after one day
hair oily after one day

Dry shampoo is used to absorb the excess sebum. Although dry shampoo is the best way to make hair not look oily without washing it. But overusing dry shampoo is a common mistake, overusing dry shampoo leads to product buildup that makes your scalp dry, thus producing even more oil on the scalp.

Use dry shampoo only when it is very necessary. You can also use baby powder replacing dry shampoo. Baby powder works just like dry shampoo but mild to your scalp.

If you want to use dry shampoo, then we suggest you first learn the right way how to use dry shampoo for oily hair and also how does dry shampoo work.

Avoid straightening your hair

Straightening and blow-dry can make your hair look more oily. Your hair become more likely to come into contact with oil on your scalp and face when they get straight. Instead, you can opt for some wavy or curly styles that don’t pick oil quickly.

These are some solutions and tips on how to stop greasy hair and treat your oily hair. Use these tips to ditch your greasy strands once and for all!

Visit Best Beauty Zone for more life-saving beauty tips!


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