How Does a Lip Plumper Work

perfect lips shape
perfect lips shape

Lip plumper is one such technique.

From thick brows to fluttery lashes, glossy skin to the floating liner, the glamour world is whirling with noteworthy beauty trends. Unless you live under a rock, you would know that fuller lips trend is the current obsession, so How Does a Lip Plumper Work. Coveted by beauty influencers and celebrities, fuller-looking lips trend has taken over the internet. So much so that many are going for lip injection to achieve pout perfect lips. Since such invasive procedures are harmful in the long run, there are various alternatives that give the same luscious and fuller lips. 

Compared to other lip trends that ask one to overdo the lip lining or apply eye-binding particles, this trend involves using plumper to transform naturally thin lips into fuller ones. Lip plumper also eliminates the use of lip injections and hence, it doesn’t have any side effects. 

If you too want to get on with the current lip-enhancing trend and know best lip plumping products, keep on reading. But first, let’s understand

What a Lip Plumper is

how long does it take lip plumper to work
how long does it take lip plumper to work

Lip plumpers are products that enhance the size and shine of the lips by nourishing the lip tissues. This revolutionary lip enhancing product gives the effect of bee-stung lips. With the use of lip plumping balm, one can achieve soft lips instantly. They also come in the form of lip gloss that makes your lips bigger

How Does a Lip Plumper Work

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Lip plumper targets the lip tissues just how when we eat too much spicy foods. The plumpers are made of ingredients like wintergreen, capsaicin, menthol, ginger that irritates the lip tissues and swells it. When applied, it gives a tingling sensation causing the blood to rush outwards. When this happens, the lips turn fuller and luscious. Another function of lip plumper is to hold the moisture in the lip’s skin without reacting with the tissues.

Many lip plumpers come in the form of gloss lip plumper, lipstick or lip plumper balm that one can use on a daily basis. Such products work as a moisturizing agent that keeps the lip glossy and plumped all through the day.  

Do Lip Plumper Really Work ?

how long does lip gloss last
how long does lip gloss last

Many would wonder if plumper really works or is just a gimmick. The truth is, plumpers do work and fortunately have no dire side effects. Since the plumpers have all-natural and mostly edible ingredients, one can use it daily. Although one may experience a tingling sensation at first, the effect wears off in no time. Moreover, the moisturizing properties keep the lips soft and supple for an extended period.

Having said that, it’s essential to study the ingredients carefully. This will prevent any allergic reaction that might persist due to any of the ingredients. Another important point to keep in mind is that the effect of such lip enhancers can reduce with overuse. Over usage can also leave you with chappy and dry lips.  

How to Apply Plumping Gloss

  1. Exfoliate: Lips that are dry and flaky look small and less appealing. Such lips also lack gloss and thus don’t shine as effectively. To help the lip plumper target the lip tissues, scrub the lips. Use gentle scrub and brush to exfoliate the lips. This will smoothen your lips and enhance the effect of the plumper.
  2. Moisturize: Once you have exfoliated your lips, it’s time to prepare your lips for the plumper. Apply primer to moisturize your lips and keep it from drying. Using the primer will also lighten the dark spots or pigmentation if there are any. Now, you can apply the plumper properly.
  3. Plump: Before applying the plumping gloss, line your lips with a tine lip liner. Now, carefully apply the balm within the lines. You will feel a pinching sensation at first but it will soon wade off. Wait for some time for the sensation to go away. Clean any extra gloss and you are ready to flaunt you pout perfect lips.  

Homemade Lip Plumper

lips always dry
lips always dry

As mentioned above, plumpers have natural ingredients that are easily available in any kitchen. If you don’t want to spend money on plumpers, you can make one yourself.

To make homemade lip plumper, gather the right ingredients. You will need half a teaspoon of cinnamon, shea butter, and peppermint oil. Now, mix them in a bowl. And voila, your own gloss lip plumper is ready. You can use it before you apply lipstick for that luscious and succulent lips , so that’s how lip plumper works.

How Does a Lip Plumper Work explained here, Stay tuned with for more such posts!

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