How to Fix Oily Hair | 8 Ways to Treat Your Oily Hair Truly

cause of greasy hair
cause of greasy hair

Looking for for How to Fix Oily Hair ! , Oily hair are just like oily skin. Irritating. 

Sometimes your hair turns oily out of no reason at all and on the other times, your habits are the culprit. Moreover, your hair type also defines its level of greasiness. Ladies out there with fine hair know the struggle to constantly look good and avoid greasiness.

Looks like all of your plans are made according to your hair routine. For instance, if you wash your hair during the day, it will work fine for your dinner date. Isn’t it?

The struggle of greasy hair begins with spending a lot of time in front of the mirror, avoiding to touch it, and welcoming other insecurities to make your hair look less greasy. And you know the worst part about oily hair? Others can see it too, So How to Treat Oily Hair ?

If you are one of those ladies and perpetually struggle to make your hair look just fine, you are at the right place. These 8 tips listed below will help you in combating oily hair in the long run. However, you still need to watch out your habits and routine to perfectly evaluate your situation and what makes it worse. 

How to Get Rid of Oily Hair | Oily Hair Solutions

why is my skin and hair so oily all of a sudden
why is my skin and hair so oily all of a sudden

Use Conditioner Only On The Ends

If you think that shampoo is enough for your oily scalp, you need to think again. A conditioner is imperative for the health of your hair. But, wait! Are you applying it right? is it bad to put conditioner on your scalp ? and what happens if conditioner is applied to the scalp ? we have to know how to use conditioner ?
The rule number one to conditioner is that it is not applied all over your scalp. The conditioner is only for the ends. Applying conditioner all over the scalp also makes it oily. So, watch out and apply conditioner only from mid shafts to ends.

The best you can do is look for such conditioners that are made for oily hair. Just make sure that you don’t overburden your hair and take little amount.

Use Baby Powder

Well, if you think that baby powders are just meant for comforting babies, you need to think again. Baby powder works just like dry shampoo. Instead, you can at times use baby powder rather than going for dry shampoo. 
Just sprinkle some baby powder on your roots and let it soak in. If you have dark hair and the baby powder is causing a white layer, brush it up with bronzer on your roots. Or you can also mix it up with some cocoa powder before applying. (Trust me).

Use Dry Shampoo

how does dry shampoo work ?

Of course!! Dry shampoo is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about oily hair, but how to use dry shampoo for oily hair ?

Dry shampoo works fine by soaking excess oil from your roots turning your hair less greasy as well as allowing you sometime between washes.

Wash Less Often

greasy hair after shower
greasy hair after shower

Ouch!! Yes, you read it right.

I know, the statement is entirely counter intuitive. But, washing your hair often can turn your hair more oily. If your scalp is constantly getting rid of oils, it will work more forcefully to replenish the lost oil. Thus, making it more oily than before, so how to get rid of oily hair ? and how to get rid of oily scalp ?

So, if you are washing your hair quite often to make it less oily, wash it in a gap of three to four days. Washing your hair daily is not going to bring you results. In addition, make sure to use the right shampoo.

Look for such shampoos that do not turn your hair completely dry. If you have colored hair, it’s better to use a shampoo that protects the color of your hair.

Make Sure You Are Brushing Properly

Brushing your hair is critical for the health of roots and scalp. Not brushing it enough keeps natural oils from being distributed and simply takes upon one portion of the scalp. On the other hand, over brushing can cause more oil production. So, what should you do? 
Create a balance. 

You need to make sure that you are neither going too much or too little. Look for brushes with boar bristle to distribute oils all over your scalp and avoid building it up in one place, its one of oily hair solutions .

Choose Your Products Wisely

dry shampoo makes my hair greasy
dry shampoo makes my hair greasy

Using too much gel or mousse on your hair can cause the oil to build up. Apart from this, get rid of products that make your hair shiny as they can make your Greasy Hair look more oily. 

Don’t Touch Your Hair

Just like your face, you shouldn’t touch your hair. Your fingertips can cause oil to accumulate that can transfer from your face to hair. Don’t touch your hair or play with it. 

Avoid Straightening Hair

A fun fact, the closer your hair is to your head, the more chances of turning oily. Curls are actually good and give volume to the roots which prevents oil from building up. So, if you straighten your hair more often, think again. 

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