Is it possible to Treat Dry Eyelids at home? | Causes and 3 Types of Dry Eyelids

Treat Dry Eyelids
Treat Dry Eyelids

Are you Looking for How to Treat Dry Eyelids?, Dry skin on eyelids can make your eyes feel flaky, scaly, and rough. You may experience itchiness, irritation, and redness in and around your eyes.

Table of Contents

Dry Eyelids Skin

Eyelid skin is very different and sensitive as compared to the skin on other parts of the body. There are many blood capillaries attached to eyelid so there are high chances of skin damage and skin irritation around eyes. You need to be extra cautious if you feel any eye infection and try to treat it as soon as possible.

What Causes Dry Eyelids?

There may be several reasons for dry eyelids which vary from person to person.

  • Dry or cold weather
  • Low humidity level
  • Using hot water on eyes
  • Aging over 40

There may be some severe causes of dry eyelids that require medical treatments like eyelid dermatitis. Eye dermatitis is of three kinds.

Types of Dry Eyelids

Contact dermatitis

dry patch on eyelid
dry patch on eyelid

Contact dermatitis can occur due to eye contact with some irritant substance or which results in red, dry, and flaky skin around eyes. Common dry eyelids from allergies and irritants include shampoo, face wash, chlorine from swimming pool, expired mascara, expired eye shadow, eyelash curler, perfume, or dust. 

Atopic dermatitis

red dry patch on eyelid
red dry patch on eyelid

This condition is common in children and causes itching, redness, and oozing fluid from eyes. The reason for atopic dermatitis may be an irritant, eczema, compromised immunity, or heredity. If you notice this in your child, immediately consult a doctor. 

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dry skin on eyelid won't go away
dry skin on eyelid won’t go away

Blepharitis can occur due to bacterial or rosacea infection in your lash line and inner corner of your eyes. It results in scales in eyes along with itchiness, redness, burning, and tearing. You need to consult a doctor to treat it.  

Home Treatment for Dry Eyelids

Itchy dry lids 

Applying a cold compress to soothe is the best cure for dry eyelids. Add 

Dry eyelids flaking

Flaking eyelids occur when a patient experiences both eyelids stick together while you wake up. You feel flaky, scaly, and dry skin around your eyes. To treat it use a dry eyelids cream or eyelid moisturizers. 

Dry skin around eyes eczema

Eyes eczema is not something you can treat at home. You need to consult a dermatologist to suspect a possible irritant. Your dermatologist may prescribe topical corticosteroids to treat it. 

Red skin around eyes

Redness around the eyes can be caused by allergy, infection, or injury. Moisturize your eyes with fragrance-free eye cream for dry eyelids or lotion and apply a cold compress. 

Dry skin under eyes causing wrinkles

If you feel wrinkles due to dry skin under eyes then apply clod compress having antioxidants like a green tea bag. Soak a green tea bag in cold water and apply it to your eyes to soothe wrinkles and dryness. 

FAQ’s related to dry Eyelids

Why do I have dry eyelids?

Allergens, irritants, and dry climate are the most common reason for dry eyelids. Other reasons may include eczema or bacterial infection. 

How to soothe irritated skin around eyes?

Take proper care of the eyes by washing it every day. Don’t touch your eyes if you are exposed to an allergen. In case of irritation apply a warm compress on your eyes for 10 minutes.

Can I put Vaseline on my dry eyelids? 

Yes, you can apply Vaseline on dry eyelids because Vaseline is tried and tested for eye safety. It is best to apply when eyelids are damp. Vaseline locks in the moisture and keeps skin soft and flexible. 

How to Hydrate Dry Skin around the Eyes?

Do not wash your face with hot water instead use Luke warm water. If it is winter season use humidifier in your house. To hydrate, your skin around eyes use an artificial tear throughout the days. Don’t stare at the laptop, a mobile screen without blinking for a long time. Apply a small amount of Vaseline or petroleum jelly when the eyes are wet. Petroleum jelly keeps your eyelids hydrated when applied on damp eyelids. 

How to get rid of dry eyelids overnight?

First, clean your eyes with baby shampoo. Soak in the cotton ball into baby shampoo and roll on your eyes and wash with Luke warm water. Then apply a cool compress of green tea bags for 20 minutes. Before sleep apply coconut oil, or Vaseline or olive oil to the eyelids. It is the best dry eyelids cure overnight. 

We hope you will have a better idea that Treat Dry Eyelids, Follow Best Beauty Zone for more health and beauty updates!


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