How To Get Rid of Acne as Fast as Possible | 5 Skin Care Tips

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It seems you have tried all acne treatments to get rid of acne that is why you are here. If you want to know how to prevent acne or how to get rid of acne you need to know the underlying causes of acne. It may possible that you do not know what type of acne you have and may be you are following the wrong acne skincare routine. Moreover, skin routine to treat and calm acne must be followed after understanding the cause of acne, area of acne and appropriate acne treatment according to the specific case. First of all, understand the causes, types of pimple and acne then we will discuss how to get rid of acne? 

Table of Contents

What Causes Acne

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Acne is a disease of ingrown hair follicles under skin cells that trapped by sebaceous glands. Sebum contains dead skin cells. Hair follicles, sebum, and dead skin cells clogged the skin pore and oil build up under the skin cell. This clogged pore gets infected with bacteria and 4 types of lesions form which appear as acne on the skin.

  • Blackhead
  • Whitehead
  • Inflammatory Papule
  • Pustule or pimple
  • Nodules and Cysts (severe breakout covering a large area of skin)
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When you try to pop the affected area it leaves a scar behind which remains for months as an ugly mark.  Now the question is which best acne skincare routine you can adopt to reduce sebum production, how to get rid of skin bacteria, and most importantly how to stop skin pores being clogged by dead skin cells. The simple answer is you need to have a combination of natural acne treatment along with topical acne skincare products. 

As it is an internet era and everyone has access to knowledge, you may also be aware of some products for acne treatment I discussed below. But you must understand the specific purpose of each product. 

Acne-prone skin Products

  • Benzoyl Peroxide kills bacteria
  • Salicylic acid reduces inflammation and dries out pimples
  • Resorcinol reduces blackhead and whitehead
  • Sulfur is an antiseptic
  • Retin-A helps in unclogging clogged pores to ripe the pimple fast.

Now figure out what kind of pimple you have what treatment you need. Also, consider on what area you have a breakout. And how you can treat them without leaving an acne scar. We have categorized some skincare tips and the best acne products according to some acne-related problems.

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How to get rid of pimples on forehead?

Oily skin, sebum, or dandruff on scalps, poor hygiene, or allergic hair product can trigger forehead acne. Get rid of sebum and dandruff from scalps by using aloe vera gel or apple cider vinegar. Then use topical Retinoid to get rid of acne from the forehead

How to get rid of cheek acne?

Poor digestive system, constipation, hormonal changes, and stress causes cheek acne which appears in U shape. Eating a balanced diet, green tea, and lots of water can ward off cheek acne symptoms. Cheek area usually is not oily so do not apply Salicylic acid on unripe papules. Instead, use products having Retin-A so that papule may turn into a pustule and ripe fast. Then you can Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide to treat a pimple. When pimples clear up then apply aloe vera gel to treat scars. Being a natural hydrating cleanser helps in clearing acne fast. 

How to get rid of acne scars?

Having breakouts is very frustrating and makes you touch the acne pimples. You rigorously want to pop up the pimple as soon as possible. But in trying getting rid of that pimple you develop a stubborn scar. These scars don’t go away easily. If you want to use natural treatment then gentle cleansing with aloe vera is best to treat acne scars. But if you have severe acne then chemical peels like AHA and BHA are best to treat acne without leaving scars. To cure deep scaring you need laser treatment, micro-needling, or derma fillers. 

How to get rid of bad acne

Nodular or cystic acne turns into bad acne and the most stubborn form of acne. Topical treatment is not helpful in this case. You need to consult a dermatologist to test severe bad acne. Your dermatologist may prescribe some antibiotics, Isotretinoin, birth control pill, or inject it with a corticosteroid depending upon the severity of acne. You need proper aftercare and follow up with your dermatologist, otherwise, acne may come back. 

Acne is not painful itself but it makes your experience painful when you feel isolated because of ugly pimples and scaring. You have to be patient and must realize that there is no home remedy for acne overnight. You have to treat it inside out. Be consistent in treating pimple and chose daily skincare routine for acne-prone skin with the help of a dermatologist. Change your lifestyle entirely to get rid of acne and throw it out of your life forever.

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