How to Clean Clogged Pores ? | How To Unclog Pores ?

How to clean clogged pores
How to clean clogged pores

How to clean clogged pores !! As a natural process skin generates new cells underneath the dermal layer, and epidermis the external layer gets dead over time.

Table of Contents

What Are Clogged Pores

Excess sebum production is the main reason for clogging skin pores. When the skin produces an abnormal amount of natural skin oil called sebum, it mixes with dead skin cells.

Ingrown hair follicle dead skin cells and sebum create a comedone in the pore and appear as a white head which turns into blackhead after oxidization. If it gets infected with a bacteria these clogged pores turn into blemishes or pimples. 

In this article, we will discuss clogged pores treatment, causes, and home remedies so that you may get spotless and fresh skin as you want. 

clogged pores on breast
clogged pores on breast

Why Are My Pores Clogged?

Clogged pores appear to be large as compare to unclogged and clean pores. Oily skin, lack of exfoliation (removing dead skin layer), Stress, constipation, dehydration, and acne cause clogged pores. You may have clogged pores on different areas on face like:

  • Clogged pores on forehead| due to oily scalps or wrong hair product
  • Clogged pores on chin | due to production of more sebum
  • Clogged pores on cheeks |due to lack of exfoliation
  • Clogged pores on nosedue toabundant sebaceous gland

Clogged Pores Treatment

  • Exfoliation is the best way to treat clogged pores. Exfoliate twice a week with baking soda, oats flour, or sugar. 
  • Use non-comedogenic skincare products like cleanser, toner, and moisturizers which do not add oil to your skin.
  • Do not sleep with your makeup on your face. Thoroughly cleanse your face before sleep.
  • After workout wash your face and apply a clay mask to close open pores. 
  • Apply aloe vera gel weekly to naturally moisturize your skin.
  • A clay mask, cucumber mask, and fenugreek masks have a soothing effect as well as purify sebum from pores. 
  • Do not try to extract the gunk from the clogged pores because it may turn to a scar or dark spot.
  • If you have oily skin do not touch your skin unnecessarily, it transfers bacteria and impurities to skin cells.
clogged pores bumps
clogged pores bumps

Best Products for Clogged Pores

If skincare routine for clogged pores treatment does not work you should use some products which harmlessly purify skin pores. 

Facial scrub

Use micro gradient facial scrub with non-comedogenic formula is best to gently exfoliate dead skin cells. 

Salicylic acid

It is a BHA chemical exfoliator to refine skin texture by removing the dead skin layer. Products having salicylic acid are best to treat clogged pores on acne-prone skin. 

what do clogged pores look like
what do clogged pores look like

Pore- Minimizing Toner and Cleansers

To detoxify skin and remove impurities with a minimizing pore cleaner and follow with a pore minimizing nonalcoholic toner. 

Sunscreen with SPF

Protect your skin layer from sunlight by wearing sunscreen having SPF. Remember it should be oil-free. 

Charcoal Mask

Apply charcoal mask is best to peel off white head, blackheads, and hair follicles and purify skin pores. 

Facial for Clogged Pores

A decongesting facial is a professional facial given by salons to purify the clogged pores from whitehead, blackhead, and impurities. The extraction may be done with the help of a blackhead pin or an electric blackhead vacuum. After extraction chemical exfoliator AHA having lactic acid or BHA having salicylic acid is applied to remove dead skin layer to deep cleanse clogged pores

what causes clogged pores
what causes clogged pores

FAQ’s related to Clogged pores

How do you safely and effectively unclog clogged pores?

Charcoal mask, nose strips, steam are a safe way to unclogged pores and clogged pores on nose. If these methods do not extract stubborn plugs then chemical exfoliators can safely and effectively remove dead skin cells and impurities from pores.

Does coconut oil clog up pores?

Yes, Coconut oil is one of the strongest comedogenic products and can clog pores especially for acne-prone skin. 

How do I prevent getting clogged pores and get perfect skin?

Exfoliation is the key to have cleaner skin. Exfoliate regularly and cleanse your skin to avoid clogged pores.

Does makeup primer clog pores?

A non-comedogenic primer is good to protect skin cells to get blocked with makeup. Always read the formula before buying a primer.

What is the best quick homemade solution to get rid of clogged pores?

Egg white peel mask is the best home remedy to cleanse the clogged pores. Apply yogurt (having lactic acid) after extraction with an egg white mask instead of an AHA chemical exfoliator. Then apply aloe vera gel as a natural non oily toner to tighten the pores. This method is best to treat clogged pores at home.

Hope now that Everything about How to clean clogged pores ? | How To Unclog Pores ? is clear, Follow Best Beauty Zone for more health and beauty updates!



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