How to get rid of Ingrown Leg Hair Easily | Why you have lots of Ingrown Hair on Legs?

Ingrown Leg Hair
Ingrown Leg Hair

People having curly and coarse hair have many hair follicles. When they shave or wax the leg hair, due to dead skin cells, the pores get clogged and hair follicles grow inward. That is the reason for ingrown leg hair.

Table of Contents

Ingrown hair meaning

Ingrown hairs resolve on their own without any treatment. But sometimes it can become infected and red bump or puss-filled pimples form. This ingrown leg hair infection can get worsen and may result in 

hair growing under skin
hair growing under skin
  • ingrown leg hair bumps
  • ingrown hair cysts
  • ingrown leg hair scars

You can identify an infected ingrown hair easily. After hair removal, you will notice some pores have red bumps. If that bump gets start itching, fill with puss, and feels warm on the touch, it is an infected ingrown hair.

How to get rid of Ingrown Hair

For ingrown hair on leg treatment, wash the infected area and gently scrub and exfoliate it so that you can remove the layer of dead skin cells. Do not try to pluck the hair with the tweezers. First, apply any soothing oil like tea tree oil or coconut oil. You can also use any lotion having an antioxidant agent like oatmeal extracts. Massage your legs with oil or lotion, then apply an ingrown hair cream hydrocortisone to relieve the itchiness. 

 ingrown hair on leg
  ingrown hair on leg

ingrown hair on leg removal

When the hair follicle comes out of the skin surface after ingrown hair on leg treatment, then you can remove it easily. To remove the ingrown hair, pluck it with the help of sterilized tweezers. 

If you notice that hair is grown inward and there is no follicle outside, then not try to dig it with a needle it may complicate the condition. Because it may expose the hair follicle to bacteria and may result in 

  • Pimple 
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Permanent ingrown hair scar
  • Hair loss 
  • Hair follicle destruction
hair growing under skin not ingrown hair
hair growing under skin not ingrown hair

Ingrown Hair Prevention

You must adopt a routine to prevent ingrown hair on leg to occur in the first place. If you regularly exfoliate and dead skin cells for your skin, then no leg ingrown hair will happen. Keep your skin moisturized by applying lotion on your legs. It prevents the skin to get dry or develop dead skin cells. 

Practice good shaving or waxing techniques. Before shaving your legs apply shaving foam which makes the shaving smooth and prevents friction. Use a sharp razor. Do not shave short length hair because it increases the chances of ingrown hair on leg after shaving. Let the hair grown to at least ¼ inches. 

Ingrown hair on other parts of the body

You may experience ingrown hair on the thighs and pubic area and face. Intact on the pubic area you may get deep ingrown hair because you frequently remove hair from underarms and private parts. Ingrown hair bumps form when you rub the skin due to itchiness. To remove the pubic ingrown hair apply a warm compress to open up the pore. Then remove the hair with tweezers and apply retinoid for ingrown hair treatment. 

FAQ’s related to ingrown hair

Why do I have so many Ingrown Hairs on my Legs?

Due to the presence of dead skin cells, you may develop lots of ingrown hairs on your legsFor ingrown hair treatment always exfoliate your legs before shaving, waxing, or spraying. It prevents pores to get clogged and hair follicle does not trap and grows inward. 

How to get rid of ingrown hair on legs naturally?

Dry brushing your leg is the best natural treatment to get rid of ingrown hair. Brush your leg with long bristles soft brush in a circular motion. It removes the outer layer of dead skin cells and increases blood circulation. As a result, hair does not grow inward. 

How to get rid of ingrown hairs on legs fast?

Wash the legs with mild soap and exfoliate with a scrub. Then apply a warm washcloth on the ingrown hairs for some time. It will open up the pore. Take tweezers and pluck the hair. 

When to see a doctor?

If you have ingrown hair cysts with infection, then you must consult a doctor who may prescribe you antibiotics or OTC cream or gel having benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid to treat the infection. 

Hope now you know better about How to get rid of Ingrown Leg Hair Easily | Why you have lots of Ingrown Hair on Legs? ! So, Follow Best Beauty Zone for more health and beauty updates!


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