How to Take Care of your Body Skin | Why is Body Skin Moisturizer Important?

skin itchy after shower
skin itchy after shower

Winter is indeed one of the beautiful seasons to relish. However, it does come with its own consequences. For example, dry skin, flaky skin, irritation in skin to name a few. because of that you have to know how to take care of your body skin.
Our skin gets severely damaged by the chill winter breeze. This is why there are plenty of moisturizers available on store dedicated to making your skin supple and healthy during winters. A daily moisturizing routine is a must in winters. 

Table of Contents

What Moisturizer to Use

homemade exfoliating scrub
homemade exfoliating scrub

A daily use of lotion and moisturizer is part of a healthy skin care routine. However, the market is flooded with different types of moisturizers that can make you a little overwhelmed. You will always come across one moisturizer better than the other. Rather than getting confused, you need to draw your attention to the ingredients. Choose a lotion that is brimmed with vitamins as well as an SPF of at least 15 to protect your skin from harmful sun rays. In addition, an oil free, non comedogenic, and dermatologically tested lotion is imperative to keep your skin healthy.

Here’s what you need to look for in a body skin moisturizer-

  • Vitamin A and Vitamin B5 as these are known to build optimum moisture levels in your skin as well as enhance firmness.
  • Antioxidants including Vitamin E and Vitamin C to protect your skin from damage 
  • PABA free SPF 15 to prevent premature aging and wrinkles.

When to Use Body Skin Moisturizer?

The most crucial times to look for a moisturizer is after a bath, shave or exfoliation. It also depends on the type of your skin. For some people, moisturizing can take up twice a day as compared to others. It is very critical for you to moisturize your body after a shower. The hot water strips away all the moisture and essential oils from your skin turning it dry. A moisturizer keeps the required water into your skin and keeps it hydrated for the day.

The Importance of Moisturizing

Moisturizing Keeps Your Skin Young

How moisturizer helps skin , and does moisturizer slow aging ? Like I said, your skin is prone to environmental changes that can turn it wrinkled and also beget other skin problems. Apart from this, your skin also sheds cells rapidly and need moisture to repair as well as grow younger skin cells to cover your surface. Moreover, the massaging effect of moisturiser increases blood flow which in turn makes your skin look young.

Moisturizing Reduces Skin Problems

Adding moisturizer to your daily skin care routine reduces the chances of extreme dryness or oiliness. These extreme conditions can further aggravate acne which moisturizer can help you combat.

It Conceals Other Skin Blemishes

Skin blemishes are a sign of improper skin care routine. A moisturiser can ensure that your blemishes are masked. A good moisturiser leaves your skin a little sheen while tinted moisturiser also helps you in getting even skin tone.

Tips For using Body Skin Moisturizer

homemade lotion with coconut oil
homemade lotion with coconut oil

Now that you have known why moisturizer is important, you also need to know tips to healthy skin for retaining your natural glow, how to keep skin younger and wrinkle-free

Watch your shower temperature

Hot showers are relaxing and also good for your skin. However, a long shower with warm water can show negative effects. Hence, make sure that your shower has the right temperature and you are not spending long hours in it.

Pat dry, don’t rub dry

Rather than rubbing your skin after a shower, pat it dry. Patting your skin will retain more moisture as compared to rubbing.

Drink More Water

body lotion on face
body lotion on face

how to keep skin younger and glowing ? Water keeps your skin healthy and glowing. To keep your skin healthy from within, you need to drink at least 8 cups of water every day. 

Don’t avoid your hands

Your hands are most likely to dry because of constant hand washing. Retain the moisture on your hands by applying hand cream whenever you feel dry.

Use Mild Soaps

Soaps, shampoos, and detergents contain high amount of alcohol and other chemicals that can strip away moisture from your skin. Instead of going for harsh soaps, go for mild and fragrance free soaps that retain your moisture level.

Don’t Forget Sunscreen

Your skin needs sunscreen every season. Contrary to popular belief, it is important for you to apply sunscreen in winters for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays.
We hope you know how to take care of your body skin. For more skin care tips, keep following this space , and check this article also:

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