What are Hooded Eyelids? How can you Get Rid of them Naturally?

What are Hooded Eyelids
What are Hooded Eyelids

Different people have different shapes of eyes and so the different eyelids. Some have droopy eyes, monolid, almond eyes while others have hooded eyes, And here will talk about Hooded Eyelids, so What are Hooded Eyelids?

Why are hooded eyelids popular? What are the reasons and causes for hooded eyelids? How common are hooded eyes and how many types of eyelids exist?

Well, if you are curious to know answers to these questions then this article is for you, let’s get into it!

What are Hooded Eyelids?

what causes hooded eyelids
what causes hooded eyelids

Hooded eyes are common and can be recognized by the extra skin that falls from the brow bone towards the eyelids and covers them. Hooded eyes give the face an alluring and unique appearance and you may have seen many celebrities with hooded eyes like Taylor Swift, Jenifer Lawrence and many more are there.

Hooded eyes are sometimes referred to as sleepy eyes and that is because the lids appear partly closed. This is why most people feel heavy eyelids and like to know how to lift hooded eyelids. In order to restore the natural eyelid, you need to pull up the fleshy portion that tends to sag over the eye.

You might be thinking to invest in blepharoplasty which is a surgical way to eradicate eye bags and to improve the performance of your upper lids.

Well, Blepharoplasty is a bit complicated cosmetic hooded eyelids surgery and before you approach a surgeon, you must consider natural ways to get rid of hooded eyelids.

Without the need for any drastic surgery, you can reverse the appearance by using the following makeup tips for puffy eyelids:

Easy home-based solution with no side effects:

Green Tea

eyeliner for hooded eyelids
eyeliner for hooded eyelids

How to lift hooded eyelids? Research on green tea proves that it contains the components as powerful antioxidants that can help to tighten up the skin that uplift the hooded eyelids.

Cucumber juice

It may appear strange but is a true fact that applying cucumber juice can effectively help in getting rid of hooded eyelids.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera contains many healing properties and is great for experiencing a soothing effect on the hooded eyelids.

Balanced sleep

makeup for hooded eyelids
makeup for hooded eyelids

Take at least seven hours of sleep each night that will make the hooded eyelids disappear gradually.

Is a good diet enough?

There is no doubt that a good diet is crucial for your skin’s health and for your body. However, there are various other things as well that are equally important for heavy eyelids.

You can consider it as the best advice for hooded eyelids. Avoiding overexposure to the sun should be the number one step towards getting rid of hooded eyelids.

Do hooded eyes get worse with age? It is a concern for many people with hooded eyes. However, you should know that precaution is necessary that acts as a natural defense against molecules behind oxidation and aging. Damage from the sun may make you look older and this is why you should not forget to apply sunscreen whenever you go out in the sun.

Do you want to know which is the best eye shadow technique for the hooded eye?

Here are some tips for applying eyeshadow on hooded eyelids:

  • Highlight the brow bone section. This area is just below your brow. Apply the lightest color from the arch and outwards which then need to be highlighted along the upper lash line but not the whole eyelid.
  • Apply the mid-tone shade by beginning at the upper lash line and then sweep the color up covering the entire hooded area.
  • Now for the darkest color, begin applying at the base of the lash line and then sweep the color up and cover the hooded portion.

Can people with hooded eyes wear eyeliner? If yes, then how do I winged liner with hooded eyelids, or what is the best way to put on eyeliner with hooded eyelids?

Makeup for hooded eyes requires attention especially applying the eyeliner becomes a bit tricky when you cannot see the eyelid, A bigger eyelid is all you need for better makeup.

It is always good to use a pencil eyeliner that smudges out for a Smokey effect. Harsh eyeliners are not recommended for hooded eyes and they can make your eyes look smaller.

To conclude, having hooded eyes is probably one of the trickiest shapes to have. However, following some natural ways and Best Makeup Tips for Hooded Eyelids can help you manage hooded eyelids.

Hope now we covered What are Hooded Eyelids? How can you Get Rid of them Naturally? perfectly, For more updates, stay tuned with us!



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